Avatar x facecar: customizing the smart mobility experience

Avatar, as a globalized emotional smart electric car company, is committed to exploring future-oriented humanized mobility technology and creating a temperature-filled smart mobility experience for users, a goal that coincides with facecar. We have officially entered into a partnership with Avatar to customize the smart mobility experience.

In this collaboration, the facecar design team created a new HMI concept design for Avatar Motors to meet the future needs of intelligent mobility. The personalized experience is fully integrated with innovative graphics and interaction design to create a pleasant and efficient driving experience. The concept design is dedicated to breaking away from tradition and incorporating advanced ideas for the future of mobility, enabling Avatar Motors to be forward-thinking and innovative in the field of user interfaces.

We focused on integrating technology and personalized experience to create a unique and recognizable visual style for Avatar. We worked to create an unforgettable HMI interface for Avatar that is both technological and humanistic, giving Avatar a unique brand language.

The cooperation between facecar and Avatar Motors is not only a fusion of technology, but also a common vision of the future of mobility. The goal of this cooperation is to make Avatar's HMI system become a benchmark in the industry and provide users with an intelligent travel experience that is ahead of its time. It is believed that the cooperation between and Avatar Motors will jointly write a new chapter of future mobility and bring more surprises and innovations to the field of intelligent mobility.


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